Saturday 9 April 2011

Creation 16

This is where I really realised my weight painting was still not perfect, when moving my character some vertices would not move at all, and no matter what I tried I could not find away to weight paint the mesh again, it just wouldn't let me. So to get around the problem for the tail when he was walking, earlier was to go into edit mode and delete the vertice that was not moving and extrude and attach the ones that were, that worked perfectly. But this time I could not find the vertice that was not moving and did not no what bone it should be attached to, to get around this I used a camera trick.... I moved the camera around to the left as he gets in to the invisible car so you can not see the part not working properly, it looks like a good appropriate camera movement anyway so was a good way of getting around it. I used camera tricks to look like he was moving as well, because this is much easier than moving the model, so when he is driving around and turning the corner, it is really just the camera flying around, although when he drifts I did animate the model a bit too, especially his arms and eyes.

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