Monday 4 April 2011

Creation 8

Face Rig and Weight painting

  • These notes are continuing over from the previous post (Creation 7).
  • Select lip bone and controller bone, Ctrl + Shift + C (Ctrl + Alt + C in tutorial) = create modifier, Stretch to, OB(object): Armature BO(bone): LT.L
  • Do this for all the bones.
  • Duplicate mouth rig for the eyes.
  • Turn on X-axis mirror to speed things up if you want them symmetrical.
  • You do need to redo the constraints for the eyes and rename the bones.
  • ETC.L.2 = EyeTopCorner.Left.Second eye) - Controller bones.
  • You must do the constraints in the correct order for it to work properly, from left to right selecting the controller bone first, the last stretch bone is connected to the the last controller bone by parenting not a constraint.
  • SETC.R.2 S = Stretch bones.
  • Shift + T = inside object diplay.
  • In order to stick the eyelids (mesh around the eyes) to the eye ball, go into edit mode, and use a Limit distance contraint, Target Eye Bone.
  • If anything is ever getting in the way when you are trying to select thing, you can always temporarily move things to another layer by pressing M.
  • Grab all eye controllers and parent to Eyeball_holder bone, always parent in edit mode (keep offset).
  • Apply IK constraint to Eyeball_holder so when eyes move to follow the Look at bone so does the area of the mesh surrounding the eyes, but you do not want it to move much so lower the influence to about 0.1.
  • Now add a jaw bone, parent bottom lip controllers to it.
  • Add mesh to armature (apply rig to object/character).
  • Use automatic weights.
  • This might not work perfectly so you may have to do some weight painting, in my case it moved very poorly so I had to do a lot of weight painting for every individual bone.

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