Thursday 7 April 2011

Demo video 1

Introducing Drake Duck

This is my first video for drake I made, It's a short animation that I added to using windows movie maker to add some text and music to make it more interesting. It shows a short Idle animation and his walk cycle.
I studied a few idle animations as well as following the tutorial carefully, and thinking about what I do when I'm just standing around. I had a subtle breathing effect and some other little subtle animations such has him scratching his leg, little movements are more important when the character isn't doing much.

After uploading and watching the video I noticed from behinds his arms look a bit funny as the sleeves overlap with them a bit, I quickly fixed this problem by going into edit mode and widening the sleeves and increasing the weight paint to max around the edge of the sleeves, now they work perfectly and I tested movements while rendering from lot's of angles to check.

After looking at the other walk cycles I found and thinking about Drake's character and playing around with the animation I formed a walk cycle I felt was appropriate for my character. Its quite happy and bouncy but not to over the top, he swings his arms in a care free way, he sways his head, he has a happy relaxed walk, I thought his hair bouncing up and down was a nice touch. He does look like he is walking low down which is partly because of the camera angle but it is some what deliberate because I didn't want his walk to look to human like as he is a duck after all.


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