Saturday 9 April 2011

My game envisioning

Disney Kart

This a quick box art I put together to give the imagined game some more context and will also be used in my next video, a trailer for the game.
I was originally imagining the character in a shooting type action game but I thought based on the target audience this type of game would be a lot more appropriate. To differentiate the game from other kart games such a Mod Nation, Mario Kart and Crash Team Racing I thought more realistic visuals would be one way of doing this.
The idea of this project was to create a main character for a game that the audience could become attached to, what better way to do that then make him the lead character of the game with a background associated with that game and put him on the cover of the box. He's an original character but will fit in with the current characters that would also be in the game. Some story and background is good for a character but it is also good to leave some things up to the imagination of the player, which is why trailers that don't reveal to much about a game or film tend to be a lot more exciting. In this case it would also be exciting that Disney are attempting again to make a Kart game all these years later to compete with the other existing games and to try and differentiate slightly to have a unique selling point. This is some of the thought processes behind my game and character idea anyway.

Walt Disney Worl Quest Magical Racing Tour
The only other Disney racing game I know of.

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